We are a wholesaler and always busy with existing customer orders, therefore we will only process valid quote requests.
We don’t show prices on website due to highly fluctuating exchange rates, all product prices are calculated at the time of receiving a request for a quote and we make very little profit just from the products and none from shipping costs.
All items displayed on the website are made to order. We don't stock any items.

Here are a few simple steps to get started requesting a quote:

  1. You need to register a trade account to request for a quote. If you don't have one, please register.
  2. Once you’re logged in, you can start browsing and adding the products to request a quote. The keyword search box located at the top right of the pages to speed up finding the items.
  3. The "Add To Quote" button is available on each product page that you can use to add products you like.
    Notes: It's important to list only the items you really need!
  4. On the Quote Cart page you can update the quantity, or you can delete items from the quote list.                     
  5. Click the ADD MORE ITEMS” button to add more items, or hit the “SUBMIT” button when you're done.                 
  6. Follow the checkout process by pressing "Continue" button.
  7. At this stage you have to type in the name of destination seaport for the shipment.
  8. At the end of the process, hit the "CONFIRM" button. The list of items you have selected will be sent to our team.
  9. One of our team members will will verify your request for a quote. If you don't get any response from us within 24 hours, please contact us.
  10. Calculating the best wholesale price quote will take some time depending on number of items you have selected.
  11. You are required to respond promptly to the price quote that you receive as our price quote is valid for 2 weeks and subject to change thereafter.
  12. After you agree with the prices, we send you a pro-forma invoice for you to confirm and start production.
  13. If you're having problems with the process above you can make a list containing the SKUs and the quantity of each item you like then send it via email to: